Interactive e-Learning Courses

It doesn’t matter if your students or associates are learning in a classroom, online or in a simulator – if your course is boring then your audience will fail to engage. Cherry Co Creative e-learning course development will help you build courses that truly capture your learner’s engagement, regardless of age or role.


engaging experience

Who said learning can’t be fun? With so many interactive options to incorporate into your eLearning experience, your content will never get boring. Create a quick game with item drag and drop, or use digital cards to click and reveal for learners to test their aptitude. Have periodic knowledge checks throughout your course or follow-up with a post-course assessment that requires a passing grade to move on to the next section.     

feature examples

A quick look at some sample interactive features to add to your next course. Working samples available upon request! 

Drag & Drop games

drag to show

Knowledge testing

Click & Reveal

let's create an interactive learning experience together

It starts with a quick message, tell me about your course material and your audience. We can work together to establish ways to make your content interactive and appealing to your learners.

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